OCT 4, 2024
📒 Notes on the “KAOS” series by Netflix
- Very stylish. Having Zeus spotting polo amid an island resort is peak “strange attractor”
- reminds me of “Maniac” a lot
- Hell as a bleak dystopian bureaucracy is fantastic
- always love me some human soul to demon/angel transition. Here, some souls are pulled from the cycle or rebirth and forced to perform services
- In the “Empire of Angels” by Werber, you ascend when you accumulate enough karma
- they could eat, but everything barely tastes, kisses feel like nothing
- and the betrayal of gods not granting an afterlife, but Hades just turning them into statues – that’s something great as a plot twist
- Cool drama about political oppression, existential crisis, and misery
- exploitation, power
- “That’s what Zeus relies on: distraction”
- The ruthless, unyielding power that vaporizes mortals upon touch like they are nothing